Sunday, December 25, 2011

New York, New York!

After many prayers for the opportunity to travel, tomorrow I am off to...
The Big Apple! 
It will be my first time going to NYC, and armed with my new Sigma zoom lens, I am extremely excited to photograph and throughly enjoy this wonderful city! I will be visiting my lovely second cousin who dwells on Long Island in all its glamour. We'll be seeing Chicago on Broadway, going to 30 Rock (MAJOR FREAK OUT MOMENT AT THE THOUGHT OF THIS), and visiting the Hamptons. After a wonderful Christmas, I cannot believe that I am GOING TO NEW YORK CITAAAY! 
I found this hilarious article about flying during the holidays, and I will have to keep some of these things in mind. WARNING: This article may contain language that is not appropriate for children. 

Anyways, how was your Christmas? Was it good? Because Chicago has seemed to forgotten what time of year it is, considering that it's nearly 50 degrees. A white Christmas is the only Christmas worth having, if you ask me. But snowlessness beside, I had a wonderful time of family. I made the extremely intelligent decision to go shopping at Barnes and Noble the day before Christmas, and had the joy of helping a desperate woman with 4+ children with her find the Hunger Game series. I'm so happy that series is so popular. Read it if you haven't. 

Another quite popular phenomenon that I love is Adele. This is no secret, and anyone who really knows me can tell you that I'm obsessive. However, my dad got me her live DVD for Christmas, and we all watched it together today. It was lovely. Here's a clip:

 If I could have any job in the world, it would be to sing back up to this woman. So fabulous.

I also got a twitter if anyone cares. It's Heyitsmeglasses.

I will be updating every day while in NYC. Hope you had a wonderful Christmas!

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