Sunday, May 15, 2011

Home Sweet Home

I've been home for about a week and a half now, and all I can say is that I never loved old Illinois more in my whole life. I am so happy to be home and not to be on a constant schedule (for long). I love my bed, my room, my cats, and being home with my family. While my room is still in a messy transition stage, all my old furniture has been successfully moved up to my sister's room, and I have acquired a few new pieces from various family members. I'm not really sure if I will ever have enough time or money to create the room that I first was imagining, but right now I'm okay with what it is.
In other news, I got a job at a daycare (Praise God!) and I am in the process of filling out the large amounts of paperwork that go along with working with kids. I will probably start next week because of all the things I have to do beforehand, which means one more week of freedom. It also means that I might possibly be able to go back to Minnesota for my friend K'rin's birthday party next weekend. I might also be able to fly, because even though my New York trip fell through, my plane ticket remains. I am thankful for this because my other option would be to take the bus, which is never fun.
Church this morning was awesome, and so was my outfit! I was quite excited about this one because I just got the boots last night from Ragstock for $5!

I was actually happy that it was a bit chilly today because it allowed me to wear these leggings and boots. They wouldn't work so well in the hot weather that we had last week. 

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