Thursday, September 22, 2011

Salvador Dali Pocket Watch DIY

I got the idea for this DIY from here. As usual, I tweaked this DIY to fit my needs. I found the clock on sale at Hobby Lobby, but there is also a desk version of the same style. This clock is obviously inspired by Salvador Dali's painting, The Persistence of Memory.

However, when I saw it I initially thought of Alice in Wonderland. Anyways, this is the clock before:

The first step was finding a knob that I liked. I then hot glued it to the right side. The chain was hard to track down, and since I couldn't find a plastic chain, I had to use a metal one from Ace Hardware. It was about $12 for 3 feet, and I don't think it looks as good as the plastic chain on Design Sponge, but most of my DIYs turn out nothing like the ones I find online. To make the handle I followed the steps on the DIY, but I found that the measurements for it were a little small compared to the clock I had, but I was still pleased with the outcome.

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