Friday, September 30, 2011

Face Value

School has been somewhat stressful lately, hence the lack of blog posts. I stayed up until 2 am last night doing a stupid assignment I thought I could do in one night, and while 2 am is not unusual for many college students, I am one who needs her sleep. Because of this, I don't look my best this morning, and I resorted to my Dealbreakers tee shirt and one of my grandpa sweaters. I was also late to class, which didn't bother me too much, as it is a class that I don't have much care for.

When I got to class I was about five minutes late, and everyone had already turned in their assignments at the front. I had to make the walk of shame to the front to turn in my paper as the teacher was still talking. I started making my way to the front, frustrated with how badly the last 12 hours has gone, and really not looking forward to everyone staring at me in my beautiful outfit as I walk to my seat in the very back of the room. But as I turned around instead of being filled with dread, I felt surprisingly free and happy. As I walked back to my seat it was kind of like one of those slow motion moments in a movie where the main character is having a large amount of profound thoughts in about thirty seconds. This has never happened to me. In this probably five seconds it took for me to return to my seat, I realized one great thing. I didn't care. I didn't care what these 40 people thought as they stared at my  frumpy sweater, messed up hair, and ratty chucks. They were in fact all staring at me and I stared back.

This was such a random experience that I am completely thankful for. In that moment I felt empowered, free, and overall awesome. It was a great reminder from God that my value was never and will never be found in other people and what they think when they look at me. It's nice to be reminded that I can look like absolute crap but still be loved beyond all comprehension.

To change the subject, I enjoyed a very windy photo shoot yesterday with my beautiful friend Nyadoar.

We had a lot of fun battling the wind that was threatening to literally knock us off these rocks. There was a moment when Nyadoar was sitting and I was standing and the biggest gust of wind I have ever experienced rushed over us. I had to push with my legs in order to not be knocked over, but it was simply amazing. 

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Salvador Dali Pocket Watch DIY

I got the idea for this DIY from here. As usual, I tweaked this DIY to fit my needs. I found the clock on sale at Hobby Lobby, but there is also a desk version of the same style. This clock is obviously inspired by Salvador Dali's painting, The Persistence of Memory.

However, when I saw it I initially thought of Alice in Wonderland. Anyways, this is the clock before:

The first step was finding a knob that I liked. I then hot glued it to the right side. The chain was hard to track down, and since I couldn't find a plastic chain, I had to use a metal one from Ace Hardware. It was about $12 for 3 feet, and I don't think it looks as good as the plastic chain on Design Sponge, but most of my DIYs turn out nothing like the ones I find online. To make the handle I followed the steps on the DIY, but I found that the measurements for it were a little small compared to the clock I had, but I was still pleased with the outcome.

Monday, September 19, 2011

A Foggy Fall is Rolling In

The weather in Minneapolis has been crazy lately, with sunny beautiful days followed by foggy damp ones. I personally like the changes in the weather, because weeks of even the nice weather without some rain or fog is quite boring. I've also discovered my love for wandering around the city aimlessly taking pictures, and this seems to keep the boredom at bay.

Downtown Minneapolis

The sunset from my window.


West Bank, Minneapolis

Foggy view from my window

Saturday, September 10, 2011


I get a lot of comments about my glasses, both good and bad. Last year, most people at school knew me by my glasses and did not recognize me without them. They're technically men's glasses, but I do what I want.

They are Ray Ban Clubmasters that I got at Target Optical. Yes, they are my real glasses.
I've been thinking about getting new glasses, and once I get a job I might consider purchasing these awesome cat eyes. The only trick would be getting my prescription lenses put in them.

They're so beautiful, and they remind me of cat eyes that my great grandma used to wear. I love the detail on the sides.

Here are some other glasses that I love.

These are awesome, but I'm not really sure how they'd look on me.

And of course I would like to eventually get some Tina Fey glasses.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Harry Potter Vintage Posters

I've always loved vintage posters, but when I found these I seriously considered dropping $50 on one of them.

They're so beautiful! 

Monday, September 5, 2011

The Fruits of my Labor Day

After a busy weekend, what could be better on a day off than a nice stroll by the river. I took my camera along and had fun photographing our beautiful Stone Arch Bridge.