Friday, August 17, 2012


I'm not really sure if I want to keep this blog. I feel a sense of responsibility to it. I think of things I want to blog, but then I have a million other things to do and I never get to it. It might be a let down after all of my romping arounds in France. It might just be random ramblings of a sweatered girl. That is exactly what it will be.
I want to write more. So this will be it, me writing and who ever you are reading. Hey there.

I've moved to our apartment in Minneapolis and I absolutely love it. I love it more than I was ever expecting to. It's a tiny studio the size of a normal living room. Everything is strewn everywhere and I can't find one ounce of chap stick. I really need some too. Who loses every chap stick they own?

I wake up every day surprised to be where I am. It's like waking up in a cute little hotel room with all my stuff. It's homey to say the least, and I haven't thought twice about missing the dorms. The dorms were great for having friends around all the time, but sometimes we don't need that. My roommate works a lot, so I've been alone mostly all week with a huge mess and lots of instruments for company. I feel like the chess piece that just put you into check, like the tiny car so cleverly parallel parked, like the the book that fits perfectly into the last place on the shelf. Snug, happy, and right where they should be.

My favorite thing to do is to sit at my kitchen table and people-watch from my window. Though slightly creepy, it is an activity that I enjoy often because so many people walk down Chicago Avenue. Some of them are loud and some are quiet. Some walk and some ride bikes. Some are North Central students but most are strangers. All are interesting.

I love living in the city more than I can say. The noise, the ridiculous people, the fact that you can't really talk to someone on the sidewalk because it's so loud, the endless places to go and things to do.
I was always bored as a child. This place suites me.

1 comment:

  1. I sure love reading your thoughts, but sometimes there are different avenues for different seasons.
